Registered Charity no 1128839
The Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust is registered with the Charity Commission under reference 1128839.
Thanks to your support, the Trust can fund scholarships for Sciences Po students in France and in the UK, or any other charity causes of Sciences Po, as decided by the Trustees. Together we can really make a difference.
For more information on our accounts and compliance history visit our page on the Charity Commission's website.
How to make a donation:
By cheque:
Please send a cheque payable to the Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust to:
Stefan Lavau, Treasurer
Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust, 15 Drayton Gardens, London SW10 9RY (U.K.)
By wire transfer:
Please contact us for full banking details.
By shopping as usual (and at no cost):
Just register on Easyfundraising by clicking here and shop thousands of online retailers incl. Apple, John Lewis, Majestic, Waitrose, etc. or AmazonSmile by clicking here. They will automatically make donations to the Trust each time you shop with them.
Gift Aid:
To benefit from Gift Aid, please download the Gift Aid form and send it duly completed to:
Stefan Lavau, Treasurer
Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust , 15 Drayton Gardens, London SW10 9RY (U.K.)
or by email:
The Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust benefits from the Gift Aid Scheme. Gift Aid is a UK government tax scheme, which enables the Trust to reclaim on donations received from UK taxpayers. Higher tax payers can claim tax back on their donation (the amount claimable is the difference between the higher and basic rates of income tax).
The Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust is registered with the Charity Commission under reference 1128839 and with HMRC under number XT9406.