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For its 9th campaign of allocation, the trustees have decided to allocate part of the money raised since the first Sciences Po Alumni UK Gala Dinner to fund two awards for the double master Sciences Po/LSE: 

  • The Excellency Award Assia de Juniac worth £16,500.

  • The Merit Award Roger Seydoux worth £9, 000.

These awards aim to contribute towards the cost of tuition fees during the second year of the Sciences Po/LSE double master programme.

And one award for the double master Sciences Po / King's College London: 

  • The King's College London Award worth £10,000

The allocation of the awards amongst the applicants is means tested.

«From a very young age, I have been confronted to urban segregation, informal housing and social despair. The lack of inclusion and concern for public good in Casablanca spurred my inclination towards social sciences. My studies in the Middle East and Mediterranean program of Sciences Po ensured a critical engagement with societies and states’ evolution. 

My Erasmus year spent at the University of St Andrews, by allowing me to undertake research, strengthened my orientation towards a PhD. As a firm believer in human development projects, I first got involved with women juridical protection and in the support of an orphanage in Rabat. I then volunteered with the Monaco Red Cross to support the Ventimiglia migrant camp and supported the World Refugee Day during my internship at UNHCR Rabat. In my campus, I launched Sciences Po Refugee Help Menton and a youth section of Amnesty International, which both aimed at raising awareness regarding human rights through ground work in sensitive areas. 

I also feel deeply concerned by ecological issues, and my duties as co-director of the French NGO CliMates convinced me of the relevance of urbanism regarding environmental matters. The significant debates conducted with urban planners during COP22, suggesting a societal redesign around energy performance, social inclusion and nature rehabilitation enhanced my interest. Passionate about the conditions that insure human development and human dignity, I want to specialize in urban development to defend inclusive policies that insure social growth, green and blue planning, environmental protection and energy transition. Thus, as a student in the Double Degree in Urban Policy, I feel profoundly honored and deeply grateful.» 


«My fascination for Europe finds its origins in my very early childhood when traveling Germany’s neighbouring countries in my parents’ old VW T3, engaging with the many different languages and cultures that immediately surround us.

Driven by the same curiosity for the new and unknown, I left Germany in 2009/10 for a High School Year in Texas, volunteered for a small pro-European French non-profit organisation in 2012/13, started my undergraduate degree at the University of Edinburgh four years ago and spent the academic year 2015/16 at Sciences Po Paris as an Erasmus student. Alongside my studies, I acquired numerous valuable professional experiences: during my internships at the German Bundestag and the Europe Department of Berlin’s most renowned public think tank (SWP), during my time at IBM and especially when heading the German delegation during the Official G7 Youth Summit 2016 in Tokyo.

I eventually became the first in my family to graduate from university – with the highest overall grade awarded within the 2017 class of Politics and International Relations. I am currently intensifying my studies on the European Union with a bifurcated specialization: “Europe in the World” hosted by PSIA at Sciences Po and Political Economy of Europe at the European Institute of LSE.

I cherish both institutions’ highly interdisciplinary and practice-oriented profiles. Day by day, I profit from the insights of the world’s most influential thinkers, whether in class or through the plethora of extracurricular events with leading figures. I

would like to thank the Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust for their support, which enables me to get the most out of this already incredible opportunity!»

The Excellency Award Assia de Juniac

awarded to Ismael Hamoumi


The Merit Award Roger Seydoux

awarded to Franz Huebner

The Sciences Po and King's College of London Award 2017

awarded to Georgina Tarr


«I am a South Africa-born, Ireland-raised British citizen, specialising in conflict studies and philosophy of religion. Having read Philosophy, Politics and Economics amidst the Oxford spires, I am now working towards the Sciences Po - King’s College London dual Masters in International Affairs.

With this opportunity, I will study International Security and Conflict Resolution, also taking courses in French, Arabic and Stata. I intend to work in conflict resolution in the UK Foreign Office or the United Nations, whilst researching and publishing in politics and philosophy. I would also like to make short, effective documentary films. My main passions are global peace, diplomacy and persuasion, sub-Saharan Africa, the protection and empowerment of women, non-lethal weapons technology, strategic studies, and Christianity. Most of all, I am a writer, public-speaker, and lover of people.»

The Sciences Po and LSE Awards for 2017


The Oxpo Award

awarded to Dr Samuel Faure

Dr. Samuel B.H. Faure is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) at the University of Oxford. Samuel is also an Associate Member at Nuffield College and at the Maison française d’Oxford (MFO), and a Research Associate at the Sciences Po’s Center for International Research (CERI) in Paris.

He is concurrently a Lecturer at Sciences Po in Paris and at Freie Universität in Berlin, where he teaches theories of international relations and politics of the European Union (EU). 

He obtained his PhD entitled ‘Varieties of Decision. The Dilemma of the Politics of Defence Procurement in Europe: The Case of France from 1945 to the Present’, from Sciences Po in 2016. During his doctoral studies, he was a Doctoral Research Fellow of the French Ministry of Defence (DGA, 2010-3) and a Research Associate at the Strategic Research Institute of the Military School (IRSEM, 2010-4). He was also a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University (2014-5) and a Lecturer at Sciences Po in Lille and Polytechnique School in Paris (2015-2017). 

His core research interests include British and French armament policies, the defence industry in Europe and the politics of European Union (EU).

His first book is entitled Défense européenne: émergence d’une culture stratégique commune (‘European Defence: The Emergence of a Common Strategic Culture’). He has also published in several scientific journals (European Security, Politique européenne and St Antony’s International Review). 

The Vincent Wright Chair

awarded to Professor Beatrice Heuser 

Founded in 2002, the Vincent Wright Chair, named after one of Europe’s most original and most respected intellectuals of the second half of the twentieth century, is a visiting professorship whose objective is to promote academic and scientific exchange between France and Great Britain. A professor from a UK university comes for 6 months to Sciences Po, enjoying the status of visiting professor. In 2012,the Sciences Po Alumni UK Trust had decided to take over the funding of this prestigious chair from the Ministère de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche and is funding the chair again this year.

We are very proud to announce that Professor Beatrice Heuser, from the University of Reading, has been awarded the Vincent Wright Chair at Sciences Po for 2017.

Professor Heuser is an historian and a political scientist. She holds the chair of International Relations at the University of Glasgow. Her main interests are in all areas (and all centuries) of Strategy, European Security, Transatlantic Relations, Britain, France, USA, Germany, Strategy and Defence Policy making.

She has a B.A. in History from Bedford College, a M.A. in International History from the LSE and a D.Phil. in Political Science from the University of Oxford. In addition, she holds a Higher Doctorate from the University of Marburg.

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