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For its 10th campaign of allocation, the trustees have decided to allocate part of the money raised since the first Sciences Po Alumni UK Gala Dinner to fund two awards for the double master Sciences Po/LSE: 

  • The Excellency Award Assia de Juniac worth £16,500.

  • The Merit Award Roger Seydoux worth £9, 000.

These awards aim to contribute towards the cost of tuition fees during the second year of the Sciences Po/LSE double master programme.

And one award for the double master Sciences Po / King's College London: 

  • The King's College London Award worth £10,000

The allocation of the awards amongst the applicants is means tested.

«Having spent my childhood in Poland, I moved to London with my family at the age of 9, where I studied at a local comprehensive school. I went up to Christ Church, Oxford in 2014 where I read B.A. History & Politics, specialising in the Middle East and International Relations. Over the course of my degree, besides being active in student politics and the EU referendum campaign, I interned at the Economics Department of the Polish Embassy in London. I also helped found and was later President of the Oxford Forum; a student society which hosts panel discussions on important topics of the day. During my tenure, we organised debates on subjects ranging from modern terrorism, Islam & feminism, the refugee crisis, and welcomed prominent speakers from the world of academia, journalism, intelligence services and politics.

Through the generosity of my college and working multiple holiday jobs, I was fortunate to be able to travel widely across the Middle East, as well as spend a month at the Yale-based Elm Institute in New Haven, later taking the opportunity to travel solo by train from Washington D.C. to San Francisco over 3 weeks. Since graduating in 2017 I have been raising funds for my Dual Degree by working as an A-levels teacher in Warsaw and private tutor in Hong Kong and Budapest. I’ve also co-founded a start-up university mentoring platform Doxa Oxbridge, which aims to make the tutoring for university admissions more transparent and affordable. I’m currently spending my first year at Sciences Po, studying International Security and living in the beautiful Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. At LSE, I will be reading for a Master’s in International Relations, which I hope will become a stepping stone towards a career in diplomacy. I wish to extend my most sincere thanks to the Sciences Po Alumni UK; you have lifted an enormous weight off my shoulders and I truly could not be more grateful.»


«Born from a French father and a Danish mother, I passed the International Option Baccalaureate at the Lycée International in the outskirts of Paris. This multicultural experience nourished my interest for European politics, identity and culture. Driven by the desire to discover a new country, I then moved to the United Kingdom and did a Bachelor’s degree in Politics at King’s College London. There, I focused my research on the series of challenges currently threatening the cohesion and stability of the European Union and, more particularly, analysed in my final-year dissertation the rise of populist radical-right parties.

Previous internships and extra-curricular activities solidified my belief that encouraging cultural pluralism is key to further mutual understanding, which ascertained my desire to study European Affairs with a dual approach.

An internship at the Institut français in Copenhagen allowed me to use my two native cultures and languages while getting an overview on how to implement France’s cultural action abroad. I had the chance to apply these new skills as General Secretary of the KCL French Society, a student-run association aimed at promoting

French language and culture through various conferences and debates. Furthermore, I volunteered at UNESCO where I produced working papers on the ethical and legal challenges raised by technology and helped organise a conference on women’s empowerment and leadership, an issue that is very close to my heart. During my studies, I occasionally wrote articles for the KCL Women & Politics society’s blog. As for now, I am Responsable Europe of the AEAP, the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs association, where I will be organising numerous professional

events related to European affairs. 

Studying at Sciences Po and LSE enables me to specialize in European and international public policy while being part of a vibrant learning environment. I would therefore like to thank the Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust for this great opportunity and their generous support.»

The Excellency Award Assia de Juniac

awarded to Wojciech Woznicki


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The Merit Award Roger Seydoux

awarded to Clara Delcourt

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The Sciences Po and King's College of London Award 2017

awarded to Esra Poyraz


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«Being born as the child of Turkish immigrants in Germany, I was raised bilingual and bicultural keen to discover and learn new cultures from an early age on. Yet, growing up I also witnessed the permanent struggle between their different components such as language and ethics – realising how easily small issues turned into conflicts. On these grounds, I decided soon that I want to contribute to

keeping peace by promoting international security and understanding.

This is why I have chosen to do the Dual Degree between Sciences Po – King’s College London in the field of International Peace & Security. As I believe in the strength of diversity, I think that only the combination of various approaches enables coping with the major challenges we are faced with.

Before, I did my undergraduate in Germany, while also being able to spend some time in the U.S. as a Fulbright Scholar. In my internship at the Körber Foundation, one of the founding members of the Paris Peace Forum, I gained knowledge and expertise in dealing with current issues on an international level. Following Körber’s motto “Talk with each other, not about each other”, I intend to dedicate my life to this and work in the field of conflict resolution and international understanding.»

The Sciences Po and LSE Awards for 2018


The Oxpo Award

awarded to Dr Anja Thomas

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"Dr.Anja Thomas is OxPo Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) of the University of Oxford and Associate Member of Nuffield College. Anja is also Associate Member of the Maison française d’Oxford and Research Associate at Sciences Po’s Centre for International Research (CERI).

She holds a PhD from Sciences Po and the University of Cologne in Germany. In 2017 her PhD received the Pierre Pflimlin Award for the best thesis on European integration from the IEP of Strasbourg. The book drawn from her PhD thesis will be published in the beginning of 2019 under the title Assemblée nationale, Bundestag and the European Union - the micro-sociological causes of the European integration paradox.

Her core research interests include national parliaments in the EU, the feedback of Europeanisation processes in national elite’s EU discourses, and questions of democracy and representation in the EU. At the University of Oxford, she is currently investigating the link between the Europeanisation of the British House of Commons and the anti-EU discourse in the UK. Her research is published in international journals and collective books, for example in the Palgrave Handbook of National Parliaments in the EU.

Anja has held lectureships and teaching positions at university institutions throughout Europe, among others at the College of Europe, the IEP of Lille, the Master of European Affairs of Sciences Po, the double Master of Sciences Po and Freie Universität Berlin, and the University of Cologne. Since January 2018 she is member of the Expert group on national parliaments in the EU architecture at the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute in Florence."

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